eCP- Production_CFT Deployment
eCP- Production- CloudFormation Template (CFT)
eCP- Production solution uses AWS CloudFormation Template to automate the deployment of the eMAM system on the AWS Cloud. eMAM creates IAM role and policy with GET, PUT, DELETE and LIST permissions to the ingest, original and proxy buckets created by the CFT. This deployment creates an IAM user account with permissions to access resources like S3 buckets, SNS Topic and CloudWatch rules, MediaConvert API endpoints, etc. This policy also describes the permissions to create CloudWatch events, Elemental MediaConvert jobs and create SNS topics. The default configuration deploys below AWS resources:
- IAM User, Roles & Policies,
- Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets,
- Elemental MediaConvert and Elastic transcoders,
- SNS Topic and Cloud Watch rules for notifications and triggers,
- EC2 instances for DB, Web and App nodes,
- Amazon Transcribe,
- Amazon Rekognition,
- Lambda functions,
- SQS,
- Dynamodb
- Elastic IP.
This CFT creates a stack with following resources:
- DBPASSWORD: Password for the SQL Service account.
- INGRESSCIDR: Determines the traffic that can reach your eMAM system through TCP Port 80 and 8080. Specify a single IP address, or an IP address range in CIDR notation ( for example, ).
- INSTANCETYPEAPP: Instance Type for eMAM App Server. Default is c5.2xlarge.
- INSTANCETYPEDB: Instance Type for eMAM DB Server. Default is r5.xlarge.
- INSTANCETYPEWEB: Instance Type for eMAM Web Server. Default is m5.xlarge.
Click here to know more on different instance types in AWS.
- KEYNAME: Customer has to create the EC2 Keypairs before the CFT deployment. This is required to retrieve the Windows Password. Click here for more about EC2 key pairs.
- SUBNETID: A range of IP addresses in your VPC. Click Here to know more about Subnets.
- VPCID: A virtual network dedicated to your AWS account. Click Here to know more about VPC.
CFT Deployment
Automated Deployment
Follow the step-by-step instructions in this section to configure and deploy the eMAM solution into your account. This deployment might take approx. 15 mins.
Step1: Get eMAM License
- Keep your eMAM license details handy. If you do not have the eMAM License, get the license by contacting eMAM Sales team at or fill out the form here.
Step 2: Launch Cloud Formation Template
- Click here to launch the eMAM CloudFormation Template
- Login to your AWS account with an IAM user that has the necessary permissions.

- In the CloudFormation console, under Create Stack, click on Next.

- By default, the CFT is configured to run in us-east-1 N. Virginia region. Please select the AWS region in which you intend to deploy the eMAM system and click Next.

- Enter the Stack Name and other parameters such as DBPASSWORD, INGRESSCIDR, INSTANCE TYPE, KEYNAME (choose existing or create a new keypair from EC2 console), SUBNET ID, VPCID. Follow the instructions on the screen and when you have finished click Next. Please contact eMAM Support if you wanted to select different EC2 instance types.

- Add a Tag name click on Next.

- Review the CloudFormation stack details. At the bottom of the page, acknowledge all the terms and click on “Create Stack”.

- Stack deployment process might take up to 10 mins to complete.

- During this deployment process, multiple nested stacks are created for various lambda functions that handle ingest, delivery, archive and restore operations.

- Once the CloudFormation Template deployment is complete, note the information mentioned below:
- Resources tab: Under the Resources tab, all the resources getting deployed will be listed which includes S3 bucket (Original, Proxy & Ingest buckets), SNS Topics, IAM Users, IAM policy, eMAM EC2 instance etc.

AWS Resources created after deployment would include:- 3 buckets for Original, Proxy and ingest workflows,
- Elemental MediaConvert and Elastic transcoders,
- SNS Topic and Cloud Watch rules for notifications and triggers,
- EC2 instances for DB, Web and App nodes
- IAM User, Roles & Policies,
- Amazon Transcribe,
- Amazon Rekognition.
- Lambda functions
- DynamoDB
- Elastic IP
- Outputs tab: Under the Outputs tab, you can see the eMAM login credential details such as Director URL, Username (, Password.

Step 3: Apply eMAM License
- Remote desktop to eMAM Web and App nodes and open the License Manager to apply the license. Click here to know more about How to Connect to your Windows instance.
- Use the EC2 console to select the instance security group and add the Inbound firewall rule to enable the RDP access.

- Once you are connected, you can see the eMAM License Manager application on the desktop. Double click on the eMAM License Manager icon (perform this step from both Web and App nodes).

- Enter below details and click on Update License.
- License Code: Obtain the license code from the eMAM Sales team at
- Server name: Displayed by default
- Server Location: Enter the server location

Step 4: Login to eMAM system
- Login to the eMAM Director Interface using the login credentials obtained from Step 11 (Outputs tab).

- After successful login, eMAM Director home page is displayed.