How Feeder works in MAC and Windows machine?

How Feeder works in MAC and Windows machine?

Working of Feeder in MAC
  • Install and configure the Feeder using the JNLP file.
  • Users can drag and drop or scan folders.
  • Ensure that the logged in user is associated with the right ingest profile. This can be managed under "User Management" section of Admin Tools page. 
In MAC system, we have to mount the UNC path with the configured credentials
Feeder will check the path is mounted if not it will try to mount ingest path configured using the ingest credentials from the settings. 
We have different order of connection type. we can get this option from Super Admin->ingest profile->Advanced settings->Feeder config.

Below are the order of connection type which is to setup in the ingest profile

a) Local path
b) Filecatalyst
c) FTP
d) UNC

a) Local path

    A local path is the path to a folder or file on your local computer (e.g. C:\User\Desktop) which can easily access for the eFeeder.

b) Filecatalyst

    FileCatalyst which supports a client/server architecture to transfer large files.    

c) FTP
   File Transfer Protocol is basically transferring files between computers on the Internet through TCP/IP connections.   

d) UNC

A UNC path is the file on a network and contains the server name in the path (e.g. \\server01\folders\path).

Working of eFeeder in Windows
  • Install and configure the eMAM feeder by using the JNLP file.
  • Users can drag and drop or scan folders.
  • Ensure that the logged-in user is associated with the right ingest profile.  This can be managed under "User Management" section of the Admin Tools page.
  • Feeder uses http/https to connect to the eMAM Gateway and FTP,

 Feeder will check whether the UNC path is accessible or not, If not, access the UNC path with any of the admin credentials.

Working of eMAM uploader
  • Users can drag and drop or scan folders.
  • Once the file has been uploaded, the Uploader will listen the 8080 port is open or not. To avoid conflict, we have configured the 8080 port.
  • Port will listen to the requests and send back the request to the Apache server.

For any further assistance, please contact eMAM Support at