How to automatically add a new version with a place holder?

How to automatically add a new version with a place holder?

Automatically add a new version with a place holder

We can use the sidecar delivery feature to create a new version for a place holder. eMAM allows a user to upload a new version of an asset using the XML Ingest. 

Step 1: In the eMAM Director interface, create a Place holder by clicking on create new asset icon in the Browse widget (as shown below

Step 2: Create a Sidecar Delivery profile and customize the XML content to match it with be ingest XML structure. Make sure you enable the Include sidecar file checkbox while creating the eMAM sidecar delivery profile. Also provide the Delivery profile network UNC path as sidecar Ingest path.Here is the example of the sidecarXML structure configured in the delivery profile.

File Name - %e_FILE_Filename%


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <eMAM user-key="JKQy5caFmbXBC5%2bQfzeFadT3G%2ffLe2LD0C9OTSqffDw%3d">
 <asset asset-id="%e_FILE_Assetid%" file-path="\\\emamfolders\xmltoingest" file-action="move" ingest-action="create-new-version" file-name="%e_FILE_Filename%">

So here you should keep the physical file inside this folder - \\\emamfolders\xmltoingest.

eMAM user-key : It should be a valid user key you will get it from Admin tool-> Manage users. ("JKQy5caFmbXBC5%2bQfzeFadT3G%2ffLe2LD0C9OTSqffDw%3d")

File-action : "move"

Action : "create-new-version"

Basic metadata :   basic details like:

  After creating the XML, it will be good if you could validate the XML using online software or try to open it in Mozilla Firefox browser.  If the correct XML is shown then there won't be a any error.

Steps 3:  Create a workflow that means to push the placeholder to Sidecar XML delivery using workflow. In the Super Admin interface, to create a workflow, select the Workflow tab and then click on New Workflow. In the below screenshot,  condition applied is -when we change the Metadata of a asset, the Metadata field is 'Delivery' and its field name is 'Yes' and the asset type is 'video' then the workflow will be triggered and it will pick the given 'Delivery profiles'. Please find the below screenshot:

Step 4: Once you have changed the metadata then the workflow will trigger the action depending on the conditions configured in the workflow. You can monitor the statuses of ingest in eMAM Dashboard widget. eMAM will validate the XML file against the predefined rules defined in the XML Schema Definition (XSD) and if it fails, it will be shown as validation error in eMAM ingest dashboard.

If you face any issues, please contact eMAM Support at for further assistance.