How to configure video proxy, audio proxy & thumbnail settings for FFMPEG with the CurrentOriginalVirtualPath

How to configure video proxy, audio proxy & thumbnail settings for FFMPEG with the CurrentOriginalVirtualPath

1.Login in to superadmin console and go to Ingest profiles tab.

2.In manage ingest profiles fill below given details to configure video proxy, audio proxy & thumbnail settings for FFMPEG with the CurrentOriginalVirtualPath.

a. Profile Name- Name of the ingest profile to identify.

b. Xcode type: Decides which type of transcoding must be done for the ingest profile. 

c. eMAM Ingest Manager- Select from the list of eMAM ingest managers configured.

d. Storage Folder- Storage location to be associated with the ingest profile.

e. Transcode Server: Select the transcode server created as part of the Manage Transcode Servers section of the Ingest Configuration.

g. User- User to be associated with the ingest profile.

h. Ingest Path- Enter the local folder or network path to be configured as the ingest folder.

i. Ingest Login- Enter the local folder or network path login username.

j. Ingest Password- Enter the local folder or network path login password.

All the screenshots attached here are from the test system, Change configurations as per the mentioned entries.

3.Click on “Advanced Settings” you can see 5 tabs. Fill the entries for each tab as per the details given below.

Folder Config:

a.Folder Config Tab: Users can configure the ingest folder using various ingest folder types like Local folder/UNC path/FTP path/File Catalyst/Mac Volume Path.

b.Ingest Path: Enter UNC the path of Ingest folder (\\ Server Name or IP \Directory Name)

c.Ingest Host IP: Host Server IP (IP of the server where you created the Ingest Folder)

d.Ingest Login: Username.

e.Ingest Password: Password.

f.Ingest Port: Ingest server port.


Transcode Server: By default, it greyed out.

a. Video Proxy Settings: 

-i "CurrentOriginalVirtualPath" -y -s 1280x720 -b:v 1024k -vcodec libx264 -r eSourceFrameRate -movflags faststart -pix_fmt yuv420p "eVideoProxy" 

b. Audio Proxy Settings: 

-i "CurrentOriginalVirtualPath" -y -ab 128k "eAudioProxy" 

c. Video Thumbnail Settings: 

-i "eSourceFile" -y -ss 00:00:08.000 -f image2 -vf scale=176:-1 -vframes 1 "eThumb" 

Note:Select the check box if Auto Orientation required.

Users Tab:

The super admin can associate multiple users to the ingest profile here. The default user can be selected in the initial screen.


Extension tab helps to define the file types to eMAM system. Based on the file types entered in each section, eMAM system will process those files accordingly. For e.g. If you add .mov in the video section, then eMAM will consider the .mov files as video files and will be transcoded accordingly. The default extension configuration can be overridden here. Key in the extension configs for various formats including excluded values and patterns.

Profile Settings Tab:

Associate Project, Category and Metadata Set to the new ingest profile. Enable or disable flages like Archive the asset immediately after ingest , Restrict duplicate files in the system, Enable watch folder ingest - (Unchecking the option will disable the enable polling option), Enable polling, Is Notify and Enable MD5 Checksum can be configured here.


4. Click on 'Save' to save the advanced settings changes

5. Click on 'Save' the ingest profile changes.

6. Restart eMAMIngest Manager to reflect the changes.