How to enable the watermarks on proxy files with the Net XCode Ingest?

How to enable the watermarks on proxy files with the Net XCode Ingest?

Please follow the below steps to enable the watermark on your proxy files.

Open the DDR config file on your Net XCode server and go to the multioutput settings in Advance settings as in the below screenshot and, Set the TotalMultiOutputFiles Value as 1.

For each file you want to output, there are several settings. 

The number of these file keys that will be used is determined by the 'TotalMultiOutputFiles' above.  For each file, you want to output, you should set:

  • Watermark - Flags for printing the watermark as an overlay (see the flags below)
  • WatermarkFileName - Provide the complete file path with the file as in the screenshot and create a new value if it is not listed there.
  • WatermarkFlags - The opacity is 0 to 100, and an optional invert flag (0x10000/65536)
  • WatermarkXPercent - 0 to 100, percentage to put the filename in the width of the video
  • WatermarkYPercent - 0 to 100, percentage to put the filename in the height of the video


Please use the -p MP4-MultiOutput parameter in the Net XCode ingest profile as in the below screenshot if you are using the transcode type as the command line.

Or you can use the MP4-MultiOutput&width=640&kilobitrate=1000 as the video profile in your Net XCode ingest profile as in the below screenshot If you are running the Net XCode.

Once the changes are done with the DDR config and Ingest profile, please restart the ingest manager service on your application server and the NetXbase and CMD on your transcoding server.

To make the Watermark on top left corner of the Asset, follow the below steps.

Open the DDR config file on your Net XCode server and go to the file# in the multioutput settings in Advance settings and provide the parameters in hex value as shown below.

1. Watermark - 2
2. WatermarkXPercent - 4
3. WatermarkYPercent - 8

After providing the above parameters, click on Apply and restart the the NetXbase and CMD on your transcoding server.