You can easily filter assets based on storage locations using below options:
- Browse widget: Under Browse widget, you can filter assets using any of the below:

- All: If you select All, eMAM will display all the assets in the eMAM system irrespective of its storage location.
- Storage: If you select Storage, assets will get filtered to display assets under eMAM storage's configured in the Super Admin interface.

- Source storage: Source storage will display all the assets that were restored to the source location during ingest (when process from source is enabled).

- Cloud Storage: Could storage will display all the assets stored in the cloud.

- Archive: Archive will display only the assets that were archived to various archive locations.

2. Advanced Search: In the advanced search, select below to search assets based on asset state:
- Online storage: Online storage will display assets in the current active online storage.
Archived: Archive will display assets that have been moved from the online storage to a far storage/pre configured archive locations.