One of the main functions of the App Manager is installation of eMAM extension panels for Adobe CC applications like Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign and Adobe Media Encoder. Each application will display an Install button if it is a first-time panel installation. Note:
Before you proceed with any of the below functions, please ensure Adobe
CC application are closed and not open in your machine.
Adobe Premiere Pro CCa.
From the list of Adobe applications displayed, click on “
Install” button for
Premiere Pro CC.

b. The installation begins. You will be prompted to give Adobe Extension Manager permission to proceed with the installation.
• Windows: Click on Yes.
• Mac: Enter the system logged in username password and click OK.
c. After a while, you can see the Extension Manager Dashboard displaying the installation status messages. Once the installation is complete, you will see “Extension installed successfully”.
d. Now launch the Adobe Premiere Pro CC application from your machine and go to Windows>Extensions>eMAM. Your eMAM Premiere Panel is ready to use.
e. Similarly,
you can install eMAM extension panels for other Adobe CC applications
by clicking on their respective Install buttons.