How to modify the preset path for Adobe After Effects?

How to modify the preset path for Adobe After Effects?

For Adobe After Effects 2023 version, we need to modify the preset path in the eMAM panel configuration file. 


Please follow the below steps:



·         Go to the folder /Users/Shared/eMAMAEFT_CONFIG

·         Edit eMAMConfig.json file

·         Search for presetPath tag and replace the existing path value with


Applications/Adobe Media Encoder 2023/Adobe Media Encoder


(refer to the below screenshot)



·         Once the preset path is updated, open the After effects Panel,

·         Click on the “Default panel Settings”

·         Click on the Sync Adobe Media Encoder presets.


(refer to the below screenshot)


For Windows

·         Go to C:\Users\Public\ eMAMAEFT_CONFIG

·         Edit file eMAMConfig.json

·         Search for presetPath tag and replace the existing path value with


C:/Program Files/Adobe/ Adobe Media Encoder 2023/MediaIO/systempresets 


(refer to the below screenshot)



·         Once the preset path is updated, open the After effects Panel,

·         Click on the “Default pane Settings”

·         Click on the Sync Adobe Media Encoder presets.