Changes in Premiere Panel 5.4 and How to re-export the stuck project from Adobe Premiere Pro

Changes in Premiere Panel 5.4 and How to re-export the stuck project from Adobe Premiere Pro

This KB article mainly describes the changes made across the panel workflow as part of the eMAM 5.4 version. Major changes include the panel code being moved to the server side so that any changes on the panel side that are needed, can be achieved within the server itself. In this case, the user doesn’t need to update the panel zxp file every time there is some change made. 

Another major change we have introduced is in the project export workflow. When a project is exported for the first time it will be in a checked-out state by default, as this is to ease the re-export of projects in case of any upload errors. The project will be marked as checked-in only after all the assets are successfully uploaded to eMAM from the panel.

Additionally, in case of a re-export scenario, users can easily hit the upload button without force checking in or force checking out the project. This way the re-export process of a project with an upload issue becomes much easier.  eMAM Panel will now auto-detect to see if there was a project export error in the previous export, and auto-delete the uploading entries stuck in the Ingest dashboard.

Consider a sample scenario where the user closes the Premiere Pro while performing the export of a project. 

1. The user initiated the export of the project and is not completed. The export got stuck in the dashboard.

2.  The user can re-open the project and initiate an export for the same project again without doing any force check-in or check-out. 

While clicking on export after reopening the project, an alert window appears which describes that the project will be exported as a new version. Click on OK.

If any assets or sequences are added to the last version, those project versions will be abandoned due to export errors.

3.  Provide a version note name and click on OK

4.  If an asset has already been ingested, then Premier will detect it and ask whether to link the asset to the media. 

If there are multiple files, then the user can choose link and export as it will not export already existing assets to eMAM again.

5. On checking the Ingest dashboard, the assets that were stuck in the uploading state earlier, the panel will auto-delete them and new entries are shown. 

6. Once the processing is completed, the project will be seen as normal from the Project widget.
The project version widget shows multiple versions where the first project will be an abandoned version and the second project exported will be the new version.

While importing the project, the abandoned version will not be listed or displayed in Premiere Pro even though it is seen in eMAM.