Microsoft released a security update which is having changes in the cookie handling. Please refer to this article for more details -
This will affect the applications which are loaded inside an iFrame. eMAM panels and eFeeder are following this architecture so it will be an issue for now. We found some workarounds to tackle this issue. Please follow the below steps.
1. We will be tackling this issue by configuring a URL rewrite at the IIS level.
2. Download and install the URL rewrite module in eMAM Web servers. If there are multiple web servers, then install it in all the Web servers. Download link -
3. After installing the URL rewrite module, please go to C:\Program Files\Empress Media\eMAM Director in eMAM Web server and open web.config.
4. Search for <System.webServer> and paste the below content under that tag. Please find below.
<rule name="Remove SameSite">
<match serverVariable="RESPONSE_Set_Cookie" pattern="(.*;) SameSite=(strict|lux)*" />
<action type="Rewrite" value="{R:1}" />