How to troubleshoot Archive Job Submission Failures in eMAM with Archiware Integration

How to troubleshoot Archive Job Submission Failures in eMAM with Archiware Integration

While attempting to archive a file in eMAM using Archiware, the process fails with the following log entries, where the output is empty:

25/Oct/2024 16:42:53: DEBUG: EnqueueAsset():: Asset enqueued. UUID : 6ec3512f-618b-4121-a980-33f286aa0483, Title : big_buck_bunny_1080p_stereo.avi. Thread Id: 5
25/Oct/2024 16:42:53: DEBUG: Consume():: Asset dequeued. UUID: 6ec3512f-618b-4121-a980-33f286aa0483, Name: big_buck_bunny_1080p_stereo.avi, HostSvrId: 1, ArchiveType: 6, OperationType: 1. Thread id: 12
25/Oct/2024 16:42:54: DEBUG: Consume():: Call function ProcessAsset(6ec3512f-618b-4121-a980-33f286aa0483). Thread id: 12
25/Oct/2024 16:42:54: DEBUG: Process Asset : UUID: 6ec3512f-618b-4121-a980-33f286aa0483, TITLE: big_buck_bunny_1080p_stereo.avi, ArchiveType: 6. Thread: 12
25/Oct/2024 16:42:54: INFO: Operation ARCHIVE. localPhysicalPath : /y/6ec3512f-618b-4121-a980-33f286aa0483.avi, Qstatus to Running : True, UUID : 6ec3512f-618b-4121-a980-33f286aa0483, Title : big_buck_bunny_1080p_stereo.avi. Thread id: 12
25/Oct/2024 16:42:54: INFO: Command - nsdchat.exe -s awsock:/emam:Newsnation@123$:
de689844-06ab-4e87-a56c-3d235307a890@ -c ArchivePlan 10005 database.  Thread Id: 12
25/Oct/2024 16:42:54: INFO: Output - .  Thread Id: 12
25/Oct/2024 16:42:54: INFO: Command - nsdchat.exe -s awsock:/emam:Newsnation@123$:
de689844-06ab-4e87-a56c-3d235307a890@ -c ArchiveEntry handle emam /y/6ec3512f-618b-4121-a980-33f286aa0483.avi .  Thread Id: 12
25/Oct/2024 16:42:54: INFO: Output - .  Thread Id: 12
25/Oct/2024 16:42:54: INFO: Command - nsdchat.exe -s awsock:/emam:Newsnation@123$:
de689844-06ab-4e87-a56c-3d235307a890@ -c ArchiveSelection create emam 10005.  Thread Id: 12
25/Oct/2024 16:42:54: INFO: Output - .  Thread Id: 12
25/Oct/2024 16:42:54: INFO: Command - nsdchat.exe -s awsock:/emam:Newsnation@123$:
de689844-06ab-4e87-a56c-3d235307a890@ -c geterror
25/Oct/2024 16:42:54: INFO: Error Message - 
25/Oct/2024 16:42:54: ERROR: Failed to submit archive job. ErrorMsg : . UUID : 6ec3512f-618b-4121-a980-33f286aa0483, Title : big_buck_bunny_1080p_stereo.avi. Thread id: 12

This indicates that the nsdchat.exe command execution returns an empty output, causing the archive job to fail.

Follow the below steps to resolve the issue:

1. Rename the Existing nsdchat.exe

  • Navigate to C:\Program Files\Empress Media\eMAM Archive Manager.
  • Rename the nsdchat.exe file to nsdchat_old.exe or another suitable name for backup purposes.

2. Copy the Archiware Version of nsdchat.exe

  • Locate nsdchat.exe in the Archiware installation directory: C:\Program Files\ARCHIWARE\Data_Lifecycle_Management_Suite\bin.
  • Copy this file and paste it into C:\Program Files\Empress Media\eMAM Archive Manager.

3. Restart eMAM Archive Manager Services

  • Restart the eMAM Archive Manager to apply the changes.
Attempt the archiving process again in eMAM. If the issue persists, revert the changes by restoring the original nsdchat.exe file in the eMAM Archive Manager directory.
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