You can update the AWS Lambda function either from AWS Management Console or by using AWS CLI.
Please find the steps below to update the AWS Lambda function:
Using the AWS Management Console
Step 2: Under AWS Lambda> Functions tab, select the function you wish to update.
Step 3: Below Configuration -> Function Code, you will find an option to upload your zip file.
Step 4: Click Upload and select Lambda code from your machine.
Step 5: Click Save button on top right of the screen.
Step 1: Install the AWS CLI on your windows machine. For installation steps, please refer the below link.
Step 2: List all the functions in your AWS account.
aws lambda list-functions
Step 3 : Find your function name from the above command and execute the below command.
aws lambda update-function-code --function-name <name of the function> --zip-file <filepath for the zip file>
eg: aws lambda update-function-code --function-name emam-lambda-d1966320 --zip-file fileb://C:/