Yes, users can view details of all
the emails sent through eBIN. This option also allows sender to add or
remove assets to the eBIN messages that were already sent, and update
the same to recipient without actually re sending the eBIN message. The
recipient will see the updated messages.
Client interface:
- Click eBIN icon is located at the extreme right top corner of the interface..
- Click Messages icon, "Sent Messages‟
window is displayed. You can specify the date range (This Week, This
Month, This Year), choose the date range from the attached calendar, or
type the search phrase to search for the relevant messages. Selected
messages, along with MessageID, Message, Email Address, Sent Date and
Expiry Date are displayed.Expiry date as set by the sender for the
recipient is displayed in the „Sent Messages‟ window. eMAM Unit
Administrator can now see the expiry date of each message. The recipient
cannot view the message after the set expiry date.
- Select the message to be edited or deleted, and click "OK‟.
- A confirmation window is displayed, confirming if user wants to clear the eBIN before adding the messages selected from "Sent messages‟ window. Click "Yes‟ to clear the eBIN. In this case, only selected assets from "Sent Messages‟ window will remain in eBIN.
- Click "No‟
to continue with existing assets in the eBIN. In this case eBIN will
contain existing assets, and also the assets selected from the "Sent Messages‟ window.
- To display assets existing in eBIN, click on the eBIN icon. User can remove assets by clicking on "Remove from basket‟
icon. To add assets, click on Browse option in the top navigation
bar.All the assets are displayed in the dynamic display area, and user
can click on "Add to basket‟ icon corresponding to the assets to be added. Once required assets have been added, click on eBIN icon.
- Click "Save"in the top navigation bar to save the changes made to the eBIN message.
- eBIN
mail in the recipient‟s inbox is also updated with the changes, and
recipient sees only the updated mail when he or she opens the mailbox
next time. To discard the changes, click "Cancel‟.
Director interface:
- Choose Sent Messages from eBIN widget menu drop down.
- Sent Messages window opens up. Select the eBIN message you want to edit and click on OK button.
- A window pops up to optionally clear the existing eBin contents. Clicking OK clears existing assets from eBIN, or selecting CANCEL and the message contents (assets) will be added to the eBin.