What are the different system variables available in eMAM while configuring arguments for Command line Transcoders?

What are the different system variables available in eMAM while configuring arguments for Command line Transcoders?

While configuring command line arguments, if any user wants eMAM to provide some values, they can use the following eMAM Variables in the command line argument.  Wherever these variables are present, eMAM will replace them with following system values:
eSourceFile: Complete source file path
eDestPath: Destination location where the destination files will be created
eUUID: Unique Id for the file. Recommended to have eUUID in the file name
eVideoProxy: This variable will be replaced with actual proxy path and UUID filename. For example, "\\\emamfolders\clientname\proxy1\d9cc7d89-bfd0-430d-bd5b-ba3250c105f7_1.MP4 Please ensure that, necessary parameters are included to make H.264 proxy with AEC audio.
eAudioProxy: This variable will be replaced with actual proxy path and UUID filename. For example, "\\\emamfolders\clientname\proxy1\d9cc7d89-bfd0-430d-bd5b-ba3250c105f7_2.MP3 Please ensure that, necessary parameters are included to make .mp3 audio.
eThumb: This variable will be replaced with actual proxy path and UUID filename. For example, "\\\emamfolders\clientname\proxy1\d9cc7d89-bfd0-430d-bd5b-ba3250c105f7_0.JPG Please ensure that, necessary parameters are included to make .jpg images.
eSourceFrameRate: FrameRate of the submitted source file
Note : Variable values will be replaced by the system during the job submission. For example : ffmpeg.exe -i "eSourceFile" -y -s 640x360 -b:v 1024k -vcodec libx264 -r eSourceFrameRate -movflags faststart -pix_fmt yuv420p "eProxyPath\eUUID_1.mp4" become : ffmpeg.exe -i "\\servername\foldername\myfile.mov" -y -s 640x360 -b:v 1024k -vcodec libx264 -r eSourceFrameRate -movflags faststart -pix_fmt yuv420p "eProxyPath\eUUID_1.mp4"

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