What are the types of searches offered in eMAM?

What are the types of searches offered in eMAM?

eMAM offers two search options: Basic Search and Advanced Search.
Basic Search
Basic search is done based on the full text search and thesaurus search (only when thesaurus is enabled at web config level). In the eMAM Director interface, users can type the search word or phrase in the basic search bar on the top of the page and press Enter to get the desired search results. Please find an example below.

Searched word will be highlighted (in yellow) in the search results wherever that searched text is found including the widgets like Metadata, Markers, Subclips, Comments, Insights, Transcript etc. For e.g.: if the searched text is eMAM, displayed search result will highlight “eMAM” word in all the sections of other widgets where all it is found. 

For a given word or phrase, by default search is carried out in the following fields (other fields can be added in the eMAM Director web config):
  • Title
  • Description

    Case Scenarios for Basic Search

    Asset 1: Title: Child
    Asset 2: Title: You may go
    Asset 3: Private Tag: He went to church
    Asset 4: Public Tag: She is gone
    Asset 5: Description: Children are playing

    Case 1
    Basic Search word: go 
    Expansion Set: went, go, gone, goes
    Search results When Thesaurus enabled: Asset 2, Asset 3, Asset 4
                            →When Thesaurus is disabled: Asset 2         
    Case 2
    Basic Search word: child
    Expansion Set: children, child, kids
    Search results  When Thesaurus enabled: Asset 1, Asset 5
                            → When Thesaurus is disabled: Asset 1

    Case 3
    Basic Search word: play
    Expansion set: play, playing , played
    Search results When Thesaurus enabled: Asset 5
                            → When Thesaurus is disabled: Nil

    To Include more column fields, we can add the following IDs separated by coma:

    1. Title = 1,
    2. Description = 2,
    3. Author = 3,
    4. Ingested by = 4,
    5. Asset tags = 5,
    6. Comments = 6,
    7. Closed Caption = 7,
    8. Embedded Metadata = 8,
    9. Custom Metadata = 9,
    10. Asset Id = A,
    11. UUID = B,
    12. Marker = C

    This feature can be enabled by updating some changes in the eMAM Director configurations.Please follow the below steps to do the changes.

    a) Go to, C:\Program Files\Empress Media\eMAM Director.

    b) Locate the file 'web.config',from the eMAM Director folder,and open it in Notepad++.

    c) Search (Ctrl+f in notepad++)  for the text 'BasicSearchColumns',

  • d) Add the field values within the quotes followed by coma according their search.(<add key="BasicSearchColumns" value="1,2,5,6,9,c" />)

    e) Save the changes and close the file.
Advanced Search

Advanced search option is used to narrow down the searches if there are many relevant assets. If the user knows exactly what and where to search for asset, this feature can quickly narrow results. Click on Advanced Search next to Basic search on top panel. 

Advanced Search window opens up.

As mentioned above for Basic Search, search results with highlighted searched text (if found) gets displayed in all the sections of the open widgets.  To clear the search results, go to the search filter widget and click on  icon or on Clear all filters.

There are three tabs for advanced search options:   Advanced Search, marker search and manage saved filters/ Boolean conditional searches.

Under the advanced search tab, the user can enter a search term or phrase in the search text box. To narrow the search results further, the user can choose from several additional options, and then click the SEARCH button at the bottom to search or RESET button to deselect all the options. The search parameters can be saved using Workspace settings so next time you open Advanced search window; you can see the same search parameters. Click on icon to remove/clear the search results.

·      If the ‘Exact Match’ option is selected, then


1.  The order of search terms or phrases is important. For example, if the asset title is ‘Film awards’, searching for ‘awards Film’ will not return any asset.

2.  Space between search terms or phrases is important. For example, if the asset title is ‘Filmawards’, searching for ‘Film awards’ will not return any asset.


·      If the ‘Contains this word’ option is selected, then the user should enter only one search term in the search text box. If more words are entered, then a ‘Multiple words are not allowed’ error message is displayed.


·      If the ‘Contains all these words’ option is selected, there must be more than one search term in the search text box. If not, then the ‘Please Enter Multiple Words’ messages is displayed. eMAM search engine searches and returns the assets that contain all the words typed in the search text box, regardless of order.


·         When the ‘Contains any of these words’ option is selected for search, there must be more than one search term in the search box. If not, then the ‘please enter multiple words’ message is displayed.  This search option returns all the assets that contain at least one of the the words entered in the search text box. For example, search for ‘spring season’ returns  assets with ‘beauty of spring, season’ of flowers’, ‘spring season’ always bring april shower’ etc.


·         Enable Full Text Search: Enabling full text search ignores any prepositions in the search word or phrase. Full text search is relevant only when the user selects ‘Contains all these words‘ option to search an asset. If Full Text search is enabled, then noise words like ‘it’, ‘in’, ‘of’, ‘to’, etc. are ignored for searching assets.


·         Thesaurus: If Thesaurus checkbox is enabled, all the words added in the expansion set (Admin Tools>Thesaurus>Manage Thesaurus) are also taken into consideration for the search operations. Refer section Thesaurus. Note: Thesaurus can be only enabled if full text search is enabled. Refer below KB articles for more details:


ü  How to enable Thesaurus for basic search: http://emamonline.smartertrack.com/kb/a289/how-to-use-thesaurus-basic-search-include-additional-column-fields-basic-search-purview.aspx

ü  Types of searches: http://emamonline.smartertrack.com/kb/a324/types-of-searches-and-their-behaviors.aspx


The following examples explain ‘Enable Full Text’ option in detail:

Asset 1-Description- Nature is simply beautiful.

Asset 2- Description- Life is beautiful.

Asset 3- Description- Flowers.

Expansion Set: Life, beautiful, flowers

Advanced Search phrase- ‘Nature is simply beautiful’

Case 1

Advanced Search with full text & thesaurus enabled:

Exact match                             : Asset 1, Asset 2 & Asset 3 are returned as search result

Contains all these words           : Asset 1 is returned as a search result

Contains any of these words      : Asset 1 & Asset 2 are returned as search result

Case 1.2

Advanced Search with full text enabled & thesaurus disabled:

Exact match                             : Asset 1 is returned as search result

Contains all these words           : Asset 1 is returned as a search result

Contains any of these words      : Asset 1 & Asset 2 are returned as search result

Case 2:

Advance search with full text disabled:

Exact match                             : Asset 1 is returned as a search result

Contains all these words           : Asset 1 is returned as a search result*

Contains any of these words               : Asset 1 & 2 are returned as search result


Conclusion: For the search engine to identify noise words like ‘is’, ‘it’, ‘to’, ‘of’, ‘in’ etc., when ‘Contains all these words’ option is selected, it is essential to disable full text search.


Search In

The search engine automatically looks in all the fields for the search word or phrase, unless the user specifies particular fields for searching. Search In checkbox can be used to select/deselect all options under it at one click. ‘Search in’ fields are as follows:

·         Title- Name of the Asset.

·         Description- Description given to the asset while uploading.

·         Author –email id of the user who ingested the asset is the default value, but this field can be edited.

·         Ingested By – Name of the user who ingested the asset.

·         Asset tags – Tags are keywords given to assets by a user. There are public tags as well as private tags.

·         Comments – Comments given to asset by different users.

·         Closed Caption- Text version of the spoken part of a video file.

·         Embedded metadata - Metadata stored and maintained within the asset. It cannot be edited.

·         Custom metadata- Metadata defined by users for an asset. It can be edited.

·         Asset id – Each Asset ingested into eMAM system is numbered stating from 1.

·         UUID- A unique ID associated with asset. It is an alpha numeric string. If an asset has three versions, the UUID for each version will be different.

·         Markers: Markers of the assets.

To refine search criteria, the user can narrow down search criteria based on asset types. In the ‘Refine Search’ window, select asset type(s) in which search needs to be performed – video, audio, image, and other types of assets (e.g., pdf documents, PowerPoint slides, etc.). Refine Search checkbox can be used to select/deselect all below options at one click.

Advanced search can be done for any asset type belonging to any category. Search for an asset can be narrowed down to search in All categories or in specified categories only. This option helps to search for assets in only a particular category, chosen from the drop-down list menu. To search assets in subcategories, the user can select ‘Include subcategories’ option.

Asset State and Approval Status

The user can narrow searches based on asset state and approval statuses.

·         Online storage- Search assets in the current active online storage.  

·         Archived - Assets that have been moved from the online storage to a far storage are considered archived assets. User can perform all the search operations on archived assets.

·         Approved– Assets approved by internal or external users.

·         Rejected– Assets rejected by internal or external users.

·         Pending for approval- Active assets that have been sent for approval to an internal user but have not been approved or rejected yet.

·         All:  search for all assets states. 

The marker search feature allows the user to search for a location within a video that matches with the specified search criteria, based on marker name or description. The user types the search word or phrase in the search text box and chooses any one of the three options as appropriate: ‘Exact Match’, ‘Contains any of these words’ and ‘Contains all of these words’ as described in 5.1 Advanced Search Option above. The ‘Enable Full-text Search’ option allows fast and flexible indexing for keyword-based search of text data.  The user can also specify whether to search in marker name, marker description, or both by enabling Search In checkbox.  

The SEARCH button will return assets with the appropriate markers. CANCEL will clear the selected options. Depending upon your choice, eMAM will search the keyword in Marker name or Marker description and display the results.

e.g.: If you search for marker ‘ocean’ under Marker Search tab, assets with marker named ‘ocean’ is displayed in the Browse widget and Marker Description along with Marker name, Duration and time codes are displayed under Searched Markers tab in the Marker widget.

Manage Filters

Search filters are specific conditions. By adding a series of filters, users can quickly narrow a search.   For example, searching in a news catalog for “Bush” will yield numerous results, while a search for “Title contains Bush” AND “category=speech” and “tag=axis of evil” will quickly yield appropriate results. Note: Unit admins can create both ‘Public’ & ‘Private’ search filters however Unit users can only create ‘Public’ saved filters.

 The user can enter the search word or phrase in the Search box. Under ADD FILTER, the user can make a new general filter by choosing Add Filter from the pulldown menu and naming the filter. The user can choose to search with ‘Equals’, or search with ‘Contains’.

For the regular users, public search filters will display SAVE AS option too (as shown below).

Search field: The user can then specify the search field from a pulldown list:  File properties (title, author, description, tags, comments, file name, extensions, closed captions, asset id, UUID, exists in storage, exists in cloud storage, exists in archive storage, exists in source storage, tape barcode, ingested on, subclips, marker name, marker description, approval status), project, category, asset metadata set, saved filters, custom metadata, embedded metadata etc.  A search may have a series of search fields if needed.   More fields can be added.   They can be removed by the “X” on the right-hand side.

Condition:  the user can choose from the pulldown list of available conditions:  ‘Equals’, ‘Contains’. 

Value:  The value for the filter is entered.   (e.g., axis of evil). Depending upon the search field selected, value field may display different variables.

Today + n and Today – n in the date pickers allows users to search for assets by adding or subtracting ‘n’ no. of days from the current date. You can edit the number of days to be added or reduced and click search to get the results. 

Operator:  To add another condition field, the user chooses a logical operator ‘AND’ or ‘OR’. 

Once the advanced search criteria have been defined, you can click on any of the buttons at the bottom:

·         SAVE to save the search criteria: Name your filter, select Public or Private and click on Save button to save your search criteria. These Saved filters will be displayed under Add Filter drop-down and under Search Filter widget (Saved Filters) which can be re-run for future use. Admin users have option to delete search filters created by other users.

·         SAVE As: Unit Admins will have both Save and Save as option to save the public search filter results.

 However, Unit Users will also have option to edit the Public search filters and save the search using "Save As" button

·         SEARCH to search based on the given criteria. Results gets displayed in the Browse widget. 

RESET to reset the defined variables. 

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