What is a Sequence and how do we create one?

What is a Sequence and how do we create one?

Sequence (also called timeline or storyboard) is a series of video clips or subclips arranged in a linear order. This functionality enables eMAM users to contribute to the editing process from the Director interface.Any number of sequences can be created within a given project or bin (subproject). Sequences can be sent directly to editors using eShare (Fluid theme) or they can be shared with producers, clients and other collaborators for review and approval. Editors can share their editing sequences or projects back to eMAM for review and approval, collaboration, sharing, delivery, or archive.

Create Sequence: To create a sequence, you need Project widget, Browse widget, Timeline widget and Timeline preview widget.
  1. Under the Project widget, select a project and click “Create Sequence” from its sub menu options. 
  2. Create sequence window pops up. Provide the sequence name and click on Add button. 
  3. A blank Timeline sequence will be created with name provided in the Timeline widget.

      4. Drag and drop assets (videos and subclips) from Browse widget to Timeline widget in your desired order.

      5. Click on the Save button. A new window to Select Storage is displayed. Select the storage profile from the drop-down list and click on the Save button.

      6. Sequence saved successfully message gets displayed and sequence placeholder is generated in browse widget with thumbnail as a sequence.

      7. Now click on the new sequence that appear under the Project. This opens up the sequence in the Timeline widget and Timeline Preview widget can be used to play the sequence.
      8. Newly created sequence gets displayed in the browse widget.


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