What is the size of the image for uploading your own keyframes to videos?
What is the size of the image for uploading your own keyframes to videos?
thumbnail size for an image should be less than 176px × 132px or 4:3
ratios. When you upload a thumbnail image, the image will be
automatically adjusted to the ratio 4:3 or 176px × 132px.
In eMAM, there is no restriction on file size for uploading. One of our customers 'Ideas del sur' uploads a single video file that is larger than 500GB in size. However, uploading of large files needs to be done using eMAM Feeder ingest, FTP or watch ...
Introduction Sometimes during an export, Adobe After Effects can get crashed, or due to some unexpected errors the export will not happen properly. Even then the eMAM panel will make entries in the ingest queue with status uploading. Since the ...
How to remove assets stuck in Uploading Status from the Premiere Panel Introduction: Sometimes during an export, either Premiere can get crashed or due to some unexpected errors, export will not happen properly. Even then the panel will make entries ...
How to fix- DefaultAppPool is getting crashed/stopped while playing eSend/eMAM client videos Step: 1 If you are unable to play eSend videos check whether the DefaultAppPool has been crashed/stopped in IIS. Step: 2 Check the Event Viewer logs. You can ...
How to fix the efeeder upload Error: Exception while uploading to S3? Please follow the below steps to fix the efeeder upload issue. 1. Close efeeder. 2. Delete the SDK Folders In Windows, the SDK folders will be available at C:\Users\Public. In MAC, ...