Which are the different types of custom metadata fields that can be created in eMAM?

Which are the different types of custom metadata fields that can be created in eMAM?

In the Admin Tools page, under Manage Metadata tab, eMAM users can create a variety of different types of custom metadata fields like:
o    Text: Select text radial button to create text metadata field type. Field length will by default display MAX (no limit for text characters). If you want to limit the text character length, key the character limit no.

o    List: For List metadata field types, select List radial button and key in the variables that needs to be displayed as list and click Add to List. All the added variables will be displayed as list metadata field. Note: Here you cannot multi select list values from the dropdown. To multi select list values, please use multi select list field type.

o    Int: Select Int radial button to create integer metadata field types. Key in a value to display as default value.

o    Float: Use Float field type to display any default value or text.

o    Date Time: Use this option to display default Date and Time.

o    Time code: Use this option to display default timecode.

o    Multi Select List: Enable Multi Select List option to multi select items from list metadata fields. You can add new values to the list Add to List option.

o    Button: To create a button metadata field type, enable Button Field type radial button. Key in a button name and button description.

Select a Button type by clicking on any of the below radial button. You can create 2 types of buttons to streamline and automate your workflows:
    Server: Server-side button metadata is used to trigger workflows that have been defined under Workflow of the Super Admin interface.Multiple workflows can be configured to a single server-side button type. With the eMAM server-side button, you can set up a metadata button to trigger any type of workflow on the eMAM server with a single click. Using the workflow configuration settings, and a little programming, you set any workflow including delivery, publishing, and archive to any of the numerous API interconnected systems.  Send metadata, JSON, XML, and so forth as HTTP POST.

The button will be visible in the Metadata widget of the Director interface. And when this button is clicked, workflows that have been configured will be triggered.

    Client: Client button types are not connected to workflows. Instead Client-side button click can execute any JavaScript code that is provided in the script input area while creating this button. With the eMAM client-side button and a little bit of Java scripting, eMAM gives you the ability to interact with your desktop applications running in your MAC/PC client workstation directly from eMAM Director. The client-side button can pass your media metadata to another application. The system, basic, custom and embedded metadata values can be entered in the dropdown field. This will a global value representing the value associated with any asset.

When the button is generated in the Metadata widget, these metadata values will be replaced with the corresponding asset metadata values of the loading asset. And when this button is clicked, the JavaScript code with the corresponding asset metadata values will be executed. This button can be used to make the system play with the asset data and JavaScript as the user pleases. For e.g. It can be used to save the metadata of an asset in a text format, or open an original asset in a separate window, or make an asset open in a separate application depending on the user’s ability to play with JavaScript.

o    Schedule: Use Schedule Metadata field type to schedule triggers for a workflow at a specific date and time.

Schedule metadata field is visible under a Metadata Group in the Metadata widget where you can set the time and date for workflow trigger.

For any further assistance, please contact eMAM support at support@emamonline.com

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