How to schedule archival of assets?
Refer to the attached document.
What is partial restore of archived assets?
Partial Restore option partially restores video assets from the secondary storage (LTO Tapes to the eMAM system) and then deliver the assets to a particular location. You need to select the start point and end point of the video and click on Partial ...
What are the steps to be taken in the eMAM and Archive Middleware storage side when a tape gets faulty and its data has been retrieved?
Steps to be taken in eMAM and Archive Middleware storage side when the tape gets faulty and its data has been retrieved When an archive request is made by a user, eMAM Archive manager passes the information like UUID, storage location etc to ...
What are the restore options available for assets archived to S3 Glacier locations?
For assets archived to S3 Glacier locations, you will have option to restore from Glacier Deep Archive: Expedited : Quick restore within minutes and as per the paid quota. Expedited retrieval allows you to quickly access your data when you need to ...
Is there a way to restore deleted/purged assets from eMAM system?
Before assets are deleted from the eMAM system, users are asked to choose the storage locations. If Fully Purge option is selected during purge, assets get fully deleted from the eMAM system and cannot be restored back. You will need to re ingest ...
Is there a way to find out if an asset is archived or not?
In eMAM Director and Client Interfaces, archived assets are marked with red line/bar. Even after archive, the assets continue to be displayed in the interface. Another way to find out if an asset is archived or not is to hover the mouse on the down ...
In the Manage Archive Host Server section, what do the “Archive Slots” and “Restore Slots” refer to ?
Archive/Restore slots refer to the number of simultaneous archive/restore jobs that can be carried out by eMAM. For example if you have LTO library with 10 tape drives, technically you can run 10 archive jobs and 10 restore jobs in parallel. Some ...
In the Archive Profiles section, what if you have the Delete Files Flag checked?
Under Archive Profiles section of Super Admin interface- if you have the Delete Files Flag checked - this removes the original after it has been archived. There are checks and balances are in place to ensure that the archived copy is correct before ...
How to check whether barcode labels are populating?
To check whether barcode labels are populating, the Update asset location option is employed. 1. Go to the Info tab of the Metadata widget and find the value of the Asset Status to see the Tape barcode label. 2. Choose the List view for the Browse ...
How to archive/restore bulk assets from eMAM?
Using any of the below methods. you can easily archive/restore bulk assets: From Category widget: Archive all the assets under a category by clicking on the Archive/Restore option from the category pull down menu. From Project widget: Similar to ...
Category Restore Error - Error Code 15062501- Failed to retrieve assets and Markers
Resolution: in web.config of eMAM Director please add the following under app settings: <add key="PackageName" value="" />
After archiving, if I need to restore an asset, how do I know which file(s) this relates to in the Archive Folder as the names are quite different?
This can be done in a reverse way. You can copy UUID from the archive folder and go to ‘Advanced Search’ option, and search for that UUID, which will return the required asset. To know the asset UUID, follow the steps below: eMAM Director: Click on ...