Which all job statuses can be monitored from the Dashboard widget?
In the Dashboard widget, each tab represents different job operations.Under each job operation, you can find, different job statues like: Ingest tab: All the jobs submitted for ingest will be shown under any of these statuses -Uploading, Processing, ...
What is the use of Dashboard widget in the eMAM Director interface?
Dashboard widget is used for real-time monitoring of asset operations in the eMAM system. You can easily monitor ingest, delivery, archive, cloud and purge operations, and purge status. Once the file vanishes from the Dashboard that process is ...
Is there an option to resubmit jobs from the Dashboard widget?
Yes, you can resubmit jobs in the Dashboard (Ingest, Delivery, Archive, Cloud and purge). Just select the failed jobs ad click on Resubmit job button. Ingest Queue: When resubmitting assets from Ingest queue, you have below options to choose from: ...