How do I change my password?
Login to eMAM Director Interface. Click on the Settings green radial button and then click on My Account. My Account page opens up. User login details gets displayed. Enter new password in New Password and Confirm New password fields. Click on Submit ...
How can I retrieve or change my eMAM password?
Recover Password: To retrieve your forgotten password, you can using "Forgot password" option during login. Enter your email address, click on Submit button and your password will be send to email id provided. Change Password: To change your ...
How can a user who is associated with multiple units login to eMAM?
If any user profile is associated with multiple units, they will be asked to choose their unit before login. Multiple unit login option is available for eMAM Super Admin interface, eMAM Admin interface, eMAM Director interface, eMAM Client interface, ...
Does eMAM support Single Sign On?
eMAM supports three types of login: Normal login Active Directory login SSO login eMAM 5.0 supports Single Sign On (SSO) with Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) identity provider for better security of all its applications. With single ...
What is the size of the image for uploading your own keyframes to videos?
The thumbnail size for an image should be less than 176px × 132px or 4:3 ratios. When you upload a thumbnail image, the image will be automatically adjusted to the ratio 4:3 or 176px × 132px.
How to capture a frame from video assets and add as a thumbnail?
You can easily take screenshots and capture them as frames from video assets and use them as thumbnails. Steps to add thumbnails from a video using Capture button are mentioned below: A. Play the video asset and click on the Screenshot icon to grab ...
Can I place a personal keyframe to my video asset file?
Yes. In eMAM Director interface, Keyframes widget can be used to upload custom images for videos and make it as default thumbnail. Click on Browse and select the thumbnail image file from your machine, then click on Upload button to upload it. Select ...
Can I delete a Keyframe?
No, as of now there is no option to delete the already added keyframes.
Who creates watch folders to ingest assets?
eMAM Super Administrator creates watch folders. These watch folders can be created in a local folder in the NTFS file system, or a network share (CIFS/NFS) or inside SAN.
While uploading the video file, is there any limit on the file size?
In eMAM, there is no restriction on file size for uploading. One of our customers 'Ideas del sur' uploads a single video file that is larger than 500GB in size. However, uploading of large files needs to be done using eMAM Feeder ingest, FTP or watch ...
While ingesting an asset, if I lose connection, do I have to upload these assets again?
To resubmit one or more assets which were not successfully processed, eMAM Director: Under Dashboard, click on Ingest tab and Error. Select the files for resubmit and click on Resubmit button. Assign priority, check Ingest without preview and Auto ...
While ingesting an asset via Feeder I am getting an error as “Error 1007 upload to FTP failed” what can be done?
On Feeder click on settings (at the bottom right hand corner) in the new window you will see a check box with description as enable SSL if its checked un check the same which will fix the issue.
What should I do when I get a “Transcoding Failed” message?
If transcoding error occurs, try resubmitting the file or delete the file and re upload the same file after checking the source file for any abnormalities like bit rate, codec, etc. If the issue still persists, please contact eMAM Customer Support at ...
What should I do if there is an issue with Uploader page in eMAM?
Please follow the steps below: 1. Logout from eMAM. 2. Clear browser cache. 3. Close the browser window and reopen it. 4. Try to use Uploader again for ingest. If problem persists, please contact eMAM Support at
What are the various ingest methods used in eMAM?
eMAM users can upload any file types, from almost any source, using a variety of upload options mentioned below: Web Upload: Upload files and add metadata using Uploader option under Ingest widget in the eMAM Director interface. Feeder: Upload files ...
What are the steps to check if the Upload Manager is working or not?
Follow the steps below to check if uploading is not working 1. Check whether the Transcode manager URL provided in Super Admin -> Server management-> eMAM Transcode Manager is correct. 2. Check whether the Upload manager URL is accessible. Replace ...
What are the ingest or transcoding options available in eMAM?
eMAM is integrated with some of of major transcoding vendors in the market such as:
What are the different system variables available in eMAM while configuring arguments for Command line Transcoders?
While configuring command line arguments, if any user wants eMAM to provide some values, they can use the following eMAM Variables in the command line argument. Wherever these variables are present, eMAM will replace them with following system ...
Ingest through eMAM Feeder is not working. What to do?
Check if the Enable SSL option is checked. If yes, disable it.
How to configure video proxy, audio proxy & thumbnail settings for FFMPEG?
Below arguments can be used to configure: Video Proxy : -i "eSourceFile" -y -s 1280x720 -b:v 1024k -vcodec libx264 -r eSourceFrameRate -movflags faststart -pix_fmt yuv420p "eVideoProxy" Video Proxy with logo watermarking: -i ...
How to configure video proxy, audio proxy & thumbnail settings for FFMBC?
Below arguments can be used to configure: Video Settings -i "eSourceFile" -y -s 640x360 -b 1024k -vcodec libx264 -r eSourceFrameRate -strict experimental -acodec aac "eDestPath\eUUID_1.mp4" Audio Settings -i "eSourceFile" -y -ab 128k ...
Extract specific Video and Audio tracks using FFMPEG
Some files comes with different video and audio tracks. FFMPEG can extract specific video and audio tracks and combine them to make the output. You can use the -map option to select specific input streams and map them to your output. The stream ...
Apache Tomcat version upgrade
STOP the eMAMUploadManager service 2. Backup the eMAMUploadManager folder 3. Download the Apache Tomcat latest version from the below link and extract the downloaded zip 4. Once extracted, you will be ...
What is the use of project versioning?
When you try to export a project which already exists in eMAM, there are two options. You can create a new Project or update the existing project. When you update a project, eMAM will create a new version of the project in the eMAM system. When you ...
How to export using Premiere Pro?
Premiere Pro / eMAM Export process: Save the Premiere Project, if not already saved automatically. Click the Export button. Select the project export path (last saved path by default). eMAM checks to see if the project is already in eMAM. If yes, the ...
Third Party tools Qualified Versions with eMAM 5.1
This KB describes the latest qualified version of Third-party tools with eMAM 5.1. Name Version Info Transcoders Telestream Vanatage "7.0", "" Harmonic Rhozet Carbon ...
Prerequisites while updating eMAM License for HTTPS configurations
If eMAM is configured with HTTPS in registry, please do the following steps before running the license manager. Change the security type in the app config file of the License manager, for https configured systems. Goto Empress Media Folder -> eMAM ...
How to update eMAM Lambda functions on the AWS console?
To update a Lambda function follow the below steps. 1. Get the Lambda function zip files ready. 2. Find and open the Lambda services on the AWS console. 3. Choose the Lambda function from the list of functions that you have to update. 4. Go to the ...
How to update AWS lambda function?
You can update the AWS Lambda function either from AWS Management Console or by using AWS CLI. Please find the steps below to update the AWS Lambda function: Using the AWS Management Console Step 1: Go to and ...
How to schedule eMAM DB backup using Task scheduler?
Download the patch from the below FTP location Host: UserName : clients Pwd : Clients_123 Download from folder SCRIPTS Once the patch file is downloaded, follow the steps below : Extract the ...
How to change SQL server Collation to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
For eMAM, the SQL server collation must be SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. So while installing the MS SQL server if you selected a different one, follow the below steps to change it. The first thing to do is to confirm the collation you have set. ...
How to add IIS Virtual Directory?
Please refer the attachment.
How can we make Machine key generated from to two web servers same?
In case were bearer token for RESTAPI created from first web server wont work when it is pointed to the second server by the load balancer. We have to make sure both servers have same machine key for that follow the steps below: 1. In Web Node 1, Go ...
Adding Netxcode Transcode slot configuration in Netxcode and eMAM
In order to transcode concurrent jobs by Netxcode, we need to provide the transcode slot in Netxcode. There is a limit per server that is set either by REST API call or in the registry. Once the transcode slot has been defined, we need to add the ...
What are ‘Keywords’ in the metadata tab of the assets. What is its use and functionality?
Keywords are extracted from the documents during the ingest process. They are user for searching and retrieving the assets.
What all info can be viewed under the Metadata widget?
The Metadata widget is used to store searchable information about the assets. It displays the asset’s info, embedded metadata, custom metadata and tags for the selected asset. eMAM can hold any number of metadata fields, and they are all searchable. ...
Is there an option to change SOM values in eMAM?
Yes, in eMAM, in cases where the offset value is incorrect, you can edit the Timecode Offset values manually under the Info tab of the Metadata widget. Just click on the edit icon and update the timecode value.
How to see the history of a purged asset?
In order to view the history of a purged asset, follow the steps below: Select Tools->Reports->Asset State Report In the ‘Asset State Report’ window, from ‘Select State’ drop down list, select ‘Purged’. Select ‘From’ and ‘To’ dates, and click ‘Go’. ...
How can I track the changes/activities performed on an asset?
The History widget tracks almost all the major activities carried on an asset such as like assign/remove asset from category, ingest, download (using download manager), fully purge, archive/restore/partial restore, add/delete/update tag, ...
Can metadata be assigned to Subclips & Markers?
Yes, in eMAM you have option to create metadata specific for Assets, Projects, Categories, Subclips & Markers. In the Admin Tools page, under Manage Metadata tab, click on Metadata Set to assign the metadata group to either Asset, Project, Category, ...
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