What are the system (Hardware & Software) requirements for installing eMAM?
Hardware and Software Requirements Workstation requirements Type Required Operating Systems Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 MAC OS X 10.4 or higher Browser Support Windows: § Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher § Mozilla Firefox 9.0 or higher ...
A comparison chart with server specifications for all the eMAM products
Is there any editing software integrated with eMAM?
EMPRESS is integrated with below mentioned partners for editing: Adobe Apple Avid GrayMeta Marquis Broadcast
Any changes made in low resolution file in eMAM will affect original high resolution file? If so, how?
Alterations are never made to the original file in eMAM. Multiple copies in different formats or clips from original files are created by the system.
Why File Versions widget is not displaying any storage icons for assets?
If the file ingested is proxy only (No original), then storage location wont be shown in File versions widget.
Remove eMOS Module
To check, if your system is having the eMOS folder you can follow the below steps. 1. Login to the eMAM App node (App server) 2. Access this path - C:\Program Files\Empress Media\eMAM Ingest Manager\eMAMUploadManager\webapps 3. If you can see a ...
Is there an option to restore/archive and deliver any particular file version of an asset?
Restore/Archive action would send all the file versions to restore/archive queue. However, delivery and download can be done for particular file version by making it as face version of the asset.f
Is there an option to delete file versions?
No, you cannot delete any file version in particular. Purge action will delete all the file versions.
Clean up old Java versions and Install the latest
This article explain the process to find the older version of java, uninstalling it and updating to the latest one. Download the Java uninstall tool from - Run the downloaded application and click on ...
Working of Feeder in MAC and Windows and Uploader
Working of Feeder in MAC Step 1: Install and configure the eMAM feeder by using the JNLP file. Step 2: Users can drag and drop or scan folders Step 3: ensure that the logged in user is associated with the right ingest profile. Step 4: This can be ...
Working of eMAM Uploader and Feeder in MAC and window
eMAM Uploader Users can upload files via drag and drop or by scanning folders. Once the file is added to the upload queue, uploader will check whether port 8080 is open or not. To avoid conflicts we have to make sure that 8080 port is configured. ...
While ingesting an asset via Feeder, I am getting an error as “1007 upload to FTP failed”. What can be done?
In Feeder, click on Settings>Connection. In a new window, you will see a check box with description as Enable SSL. If its checked, un checking the same will fix the issue.
When you download Feeder on a Mac - it prompts to install File Catalyst. Does this actually get installed - and where does it get used ?
Feeder is embed with File Catalyst SDK for high speed UDP upload. By default, it will download FileCatalyst SDK files as part of Feeder installation and is used only when File catalyst is configured.
What does "Error code 10010 - Unable to copy file to the destination" indicate in Feeder?
This error occurs when the system is unable to copy or move transcoded file to the destination location.Solution: Resubmit the file. If issue persists, contact the eMAM Support team.
What does "Error code 10008 - File missing for processing" indicate in Feeder?
This error occurs when the source file is missing or manually deleted from ingest location.Solution: Reupload the file for ingest.
What does "Error code 10007 - Error while deleting the file" indicate in Feeder?
This error occurs when system is unable to delete the source file from ingest location due to some operation system lock on file, or some access permission issues.Solution: Please retry. Delete the asset from dashboard. If issue persists contact the ...
What does "Error code 10003- Transcoding Failed" indicate in Feeder?
If transcoding engine fails to recognize the file format of assets (video, audio or images), or the codec, this error message is displayed.Solution: Resubmit or delete the file and re upload it after checking for any abnormalities such as bit rate, ...
What does "Error code 10002- Conversion to PDF Failed" indicate in Feeder?
Error occurs while trying to make a PDF preview document from word, excel or power point documents. This issue mainly occurs in excel to pdf conversion, when excel file contains complex macros.Solution: Check source file for abnormalities.
What does "Error code 10001 - Error occurred during extraction" indicate in Feeder?
Different libraries are used to extract embedded metadata from files. Sometimes, this extraction fails and error is generated during file uploadSolution: Resubmit the file for ingest and if issue persists, contact the eMAM support team.
What does " Sorry, Local database cannot be found." error displayed while launching Feeder indicate?
While launching eFeeder (Feeder.jnlp) it shows following error dialog popup " Sorry, local database cannot be found." Solution: Try deleting EmamFeederConfig folder from C:\ProgramData\eMAMFeeder\EmamFeederConfig and then re-install the feeder app.
Ingest through Feeder is not working. What to do?
First ensure that the logged in user is associated with the right ingest profile with (FTP or Network). This can be managed under "User Management" section of Admin Tools page. Feeder uses http/https to connect to the eMAM Gateway and FTP, UDP or ...
I am having trouble setting up Feeder. It says 'Authentication failed'.
This issue happens because of the communication error between Java and SOCKS proxy server. A proxy server has been configured in the machine, This might be some configuration issue in SOCKS proxy server. In order to fix this issue, we need to bypass ...
How to update license in Feeder?
Here is a attachment which will help you to update license in eMAM Feeder with the help of screen grabs.
How to retrieve log files from Feeder?
To retrieve logs for Feeder (both MAC & Windows): Click on Help>>Get Feeder logs. Logs will be saved as a zipped attachment and can be forwarded to eMAM Support team for troubleshooting. Users can get the last 5 Feeder log files in their machine.
How to Install/Uninstall Electron Feeder in Windows/Mac
Please note that if we are currently using the Java feeder and updating eMAM to 5.2 or the latest versions by updating patches, then the Java feeder will automatically update to the new electron Feeder. Install eFeeder You can download and install ...
How to install or remove Feeder from a machine?
Feeder is a powerful tool used for uploading assets to eMAM. Information required to install/remove Feeder is explained with the help of screenshots in the attachment. Please refer the attachment.
How to increase the bandwidth utilization for Feeder?
By increasing the no. of upload slots from Feeder Settings>Connection>Upload Slots, you can increase the bandwidth utilization. This will help Feeder to upload multiple files at a time.
How to add Java security exception for Feeder?
eMAM Feeder is using code signing to follow the industry standard. If we are hitting any issues with the certificate it can take 3 to 5 days to get a new certificate from the Vendor. In order to tackle this until we get the new license, customers can ...
How to add exceptions in Feeder?
Follow the steps mentioned below to add exception in Feeder. For windows 1. Go to C:\ProgramData\eMAMFeeder\EmamFeederConfig 2. Open file “” in Notepad. 3. Add the extension to be excluded in excludedExtensions . 4. Save and close ...
How Feeder works in MAC and Windows machine?
Working of Feeder in MAC Install and configure the Feeder using the JNLP file. Users can drag and drop or scan folders. Ensure that the logged in user is associated with the right ingest profile. This can be managed under "User Management" section of ...
Error getting Local DB pops-up in feeder?
Please try the below command to assign access to FeederDB for multiple users in MAC. Open Terminal and : sudo chmod -R +a "staff:allow ...
Does eMAM support DPX format?
Yes, we support DPX ingest through Java Feeder. Just drag & drop the DPX sequence folder to the Java feeder. It will automatically detect the DPX sequence and warn the user about any broken sequences. Select the destination to ingest profile and ...
"File missing for processing" error message displayed even though the upload was successful from eFeeder in MAC.
"File missing for processing" error message displayed even though the upload was successful from eFeeder in MAC eMAM Feeder is a desktop application for PCs or laptops (Windows and MAC ). It allows secure ingest, categorization, and tagging of assets ...
What is the use of Essence widget?
Essence widget allows users to attach captions or audio files to an asset. These files can be subtitles, or any other connected files which needs to be associated with the asset. Users can download (bulk download & individual download) and rearrange ...
eMAM Super Admin Console User Guide v5.3
Please find the below attachment,
eMAM Premiere Panel User Guide v5.3
Please find the attachment.
eMAM Photoshop Panel User Guide v5.3
Please find the attachment.
eMAM InDesign Panel User Guide v 5.3
Please find the attachment.
eMAM Illustrator Panel User Guide v5.3
Please find the attachment.
eMAM Director interface User Guide v5.3
Please download the PDF attachement in this KB article.
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